Supercomputer: The world’s fastest computer has arrived, does quintillion calculations in a second

We have always been talking about super computer. Work is also being done on this continuously. In the 59th International Conference of Computer Experts, a list of the world’s top 500 supercomputers was prepared, in which the American supercomputer Frontier has been chosen as the world’s fastest supercomputer. Research experts have measured the processing speed of all supercomputers on the basis of exascale, which is based on quintillion calculations done in one second. Whereas Japan’s Kugasu (Fugaku) ​​computer is in second place. It has been developed jointly by RIKEN Institute and Fujitsu.

Prior to this, the world’s fastest supercomputer was Japan’s Fugaku, which has been the world’s fastest computer for the last two years. But this time America has overtaken Japan and won the title of fastest supercomputer.

Features of Frontier Supercomputer:

Frontier is more than twice as fast as the Japanese supercomputer Fungaku. This is a supercomputer capable of performing millions of calculations in a second. These powerful computers perform various tasks including weather, sea movement, artificial intelligence and many more. This will prove to be very helpful for supercomputer scientists in conducting research for the country’s energy, economic and national security. The exascale performance of this supercomputer has been enabled by Hawlett Packard (HP) Enterprise and Advance Micro Devices (AMD).

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