Lava has launched three tablets, up to Rs 3500 launch discount; learn Price-Features

Lava has launched e-education series tablets in the Indian market. The company says that they have been specially designed keeping in mind the needs of students to support online study. There are three different screen size tablets in the series, which are actually priced from Rs 9,499-15,499, but under the launch offer, it is getting a discount of up to Rs 3500. These are available for sale exclusively on Flipkart along with the official site.

Lava’s e-education series consists of 3 tablets including Magnum XL, Aura and Ivory. These three devices come with large screen size, powerful battery and superior audio quality which according to Lava, provide a continuous learning experience for the students. Let’s talk about these tablets one by one…

1. Lava Magnum XL

MRP: Rs 15,499

Launch offer price: Rs 11,999 (official website, Flipkart)

The Lava Magnum XL has a 10.1-inch display and a 6100mAh battery. The screen has an IPS LCD panel with 390 nits brightness. It has a 2-megapixel front camera and a 5-megapixel rear camera. The tablet has 32GB of internal storage, which can be expanded up to 256GB. The tablet is equipped with a MediaTek 2GHz quad-core processor. The Magnum XL comes in a dark gray shade and metallic finish.

2. Lava Aura

MRP: Rs 12,999

Launch offer price: Rs 9,999 (official website, Flipkart)

The Lava Aura has an 8-inch display and a 5100mAh battery. The tablet has up to 32GB of internal storage, which can be expanded up to 256GB. The tab has an 8-megapixel rear camera and a 5-megapixel front camera. It comes with MediaTek 2GHz quad-core processor. It also comes with a metallic finish.

3. Lava Ivory

MRP: Rs. 9499

Launch offer price: Rs 7,399 (Flipkart)

Lava Ivory has a 7-inch display. This compact device comes with a unique textured hairbrush finish. The tab has 16 GB of internal storage, which can be expanded up to 256 GB. In this, there is an option to store different data files. The tablet has a 5-megapixel rear camera and a 2-megapixel selfie camera.

Lava partners with EduSaksham To support students in online education, Lava has partnered with EduSaksham to provide free courses, which are available on all tablets. Lava tablets become useful for learning through partnerships. Whether online classes or education-oriented YouTube channels and e-books, tabs support all forms and formats.

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