iPhone and iPad will soon come with smart magnetic connector, company files patent

Apple has patented different types of magnetic smart connector systems, which can be used on the company’s iPads and iPhones.

According to a report, the American tech company has patented several styling of smart connectors. The US Patent and Trademark Office has granted Apple a patent that details a variety of smart connectors for chargers and smart accessories.

Patent file was done almost two years ago

The company filed this patent application on April 10, 2018. The patent has been titled ‘Magnetic Surface Contacts’ and includes a series of applications related to magnetic smart connectors.

Most of Apple’s portable electronics products from Apple Watch to iPhone have shifted to wireless charging, with some devices compatible with MagSafe.

Apple is also making two MagSafe batteries for iPhone 12 Meanwhile, Apple is reportedly working on two MagSafe battery pack models for the iPhone 12 and one of them is expected to be equipped with the battery pack’s reverse charging technology. With reverse charging, the battery can charge AirPods from the other side, along with charging an iPhone 12.

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